Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Are escorts like chickens?

Hi Blogger World..

I'm trying to get into the habit of blogging everyday.  Right now I have no followers, but maybe just maybe someone will come across my blog and find it an interesting read.
Lately I've found myself wondering whether escorts are infact like chickens.  No I don't mean with feathers, clucking and laying eggs haha.

There's different types of chickens; free range, caged, barn hens with limited free range kept inside, organic, GM chickens.
With escorts we have Indies, Brothel Girls, Parlour Girls, Agency Girls, Street Girls, Girls with physical or/and narcotic enhancements that could fit into all categories other than organic.

So given these examples, are Indies - free range, Brothel Girls - caged, Parlour & Agency Girls - barn with limited free range.  Street Girls fitting somewhere between free range and barn?

If we are, I'd like to think of myself as being a free range, organic chicken.

Punters often moan about indies charging more, getting better deals on the street, with agencies or in parlours and that Indies are just too expensive.

When you buy a chicken, the price is very much dependent on how the chicken is fed and reared.  Organic corn fed chicken is often the most expensive.  Some claim it's better for your health and tastes better too.

I'll leave you with that food for thought until tomorrow.

Peace out x

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